request appointment / exam
waiting times
Hospital Particular Alvor
UGA 00h16mUrgent Care
Hospital Particular Gambelas
UGF 00h06mUrgent Care
UPF 00h00mPaediatrics
Hospital Particular da Madeira
UGHM 00h17mUrgent Care
UPHM 00h00mPaediatrics
Madeira Medical Center
UGMM Unscheduled Medical Carewaiting times
Hospital Particular Alvor
UGA 00h16mAtendimento Permanente
Hospital Particular Gambelas
UGF 00h06mAtendimento Permanente
UPF 00h00mPediatria
Hospital Particular da Madeira
UGHM 00h17mAtendimento Permanente
UPHM 00h00mPediatria
Madeira Medical Center
UGMM Atendimento MédicoPode ainda contactar-nos através do 282 42 04 00 Algarve | 269 630 370 Alentejo | 291 003 300 Madeira
(Chamada para a rede fixa nacional)Request Appointment/Request Exam - After completing the respective forms, these requests will be processed by our services, and you will receive confirmation by email. The indications about the Agreements (Insurance/Subsystem) are merely informative, please request confirmation in the "Observations" field.
Schedule Appointment/Exam myHPA - By accessing myHPA Saúde you can make the appointment in real time, directly on the Doctor's schedule according to his availability.
You can also contact us at +351 282 420 400 Algarve | +351 269 630 370 Alentejo | +351 291 003 300 Madeira
(National landline)
Your request has been successfully received. We will confirm your appointment shortly.
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"We live in a society that demands a lot from us, in a world in which we run against time and we don't want time to run against us. Because it invariably runs and leaves marks, it is important to claim back some of this time by handing ourselves over to those who may be able to assist. Even if they are not able to turn back time, they can help make the time we have more complete, with an improved appearance, enhanced well-being, and a healthier outlook.
We want you to feel that we are dedicated to you and that you have our undivided attention.
Rest assured that at the HPM Reconstructive Plastic Surgery Unit and Aesthetic Medicine, you can count on experienced professionals who seek to give you back the normality, function, and symmetry that may have been compromised by time, illness, accident or malformation."
Dr. Fernando Baptista
Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeon
"Vivemos numa sociedade que nos exige muito, num mundo em que corremos contra o tempo e não queremos que o tempo corra contra nós. Porque invariavelmente corre e deixa marcas, é importante darmo-nos algum tempo e entregarmo-nos aos cuidados de quem possa, se não fazê-lo recuar, tornar então mais pleno o tempo que temos, melhorados na nossa aparência e bem estar, com gozo de uma saúde mais completa.
Queremos que sinta que temos todo o tempo para si e que dará por bem entregue o tempo que lhe dedicamos.
Queremos que saiba que pode contar, na Unidade de Cirurgia Plástica Reconstrutiva e Medicina Estética do HPM, com profissionais experientes que procurarão devolver-lhe a normalidade, a função e a simetria que viu comprometidas pelo tempo, por doença, acidente ou malformação."
Dr. Fernando Baptista
Médico de Cirurgia Plástica, Reconstrutiva e Estética